Thursday, 27 December 2012

Ethical treatment of animals = unethical treatment of people


While taking a midday break and watching the cricket on TV, I was browsing the courier mail online when I stumbled across this article: to give you a little bit of a background, bushfires swept through the cape some months ago burning huge areas of pasture and destroying fences, waters and infrastructure. The affected landholders have been desperately holding out for the onset of the wet season, which has still not arrived.

Many farmer groups, and even some animal welfare groups, have rallied to the cause by trying to source donated hay, pipe and labour to try and help some of the starving stock.

But not PETA.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an organisation that has long relied on shock tactics and publicity stunts to promote a so called “Cruelty free” world. And once again they have shown their true colours.

It seems that the PETA jerks want to have the farmers charged for cruelty to animals, rather than try to actually help the animals. They claim that the farmers should have been prepared by having feed in storage for these kind of fires and droughts.

I have heard of one farmer who has 50,000 head of cattle on his property that has been completely burned out. Cows have been killed in the fire and abandoned calves make easy pickings for dingoes.

To put it in to context, a bale of hay will provide sustenance for 30 cows for 1 day, to feed 50,000 cows for 1 month on hay alone would require 51,666 bales of hay valued at $60/bale (Plus freight) equals $3.1 million. Beyond the reach of any farmer, all “Animal welfare” groups and most levels of government.

They have also failed to acknowledge that these burned out paddocks and destroyed watering points also provide food water and habitat for thousands of native animals

PETA don’t care about animals, they just care about bashing those people who do around the head.


  1. Just typical of these activist groups. Animal welfare is not even a consideration for them. If they really cared they would donate some of the millions they get from unsuspecting people who think they are donating to help animal welfare.

  2. Yes, that is so true Outbackwriter..People do think that they are helping Animals when they make donations to the Animal Rights Activists..Sadly, it is far from the reality. History has shown that Animal Activists tend to create even more Cruelty to animals than they ever prevent..They often live in big cities and have no idea of the extra harm that they are doing...and when told, they choose to ignore the knowledge and advice from those that are the true experts in the field..the farmers. They do a few Uni lectures, Google and read books and gather information that is totally out of context, and apply the misinformation to very melodramatic video presentations in order to achieve even more donations for their misguided, industry rattling, pocket filling causes.
